Friday, 14 December 2012

java history

java history

The Java was invented by "James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Ed Frank, Chris Warth, and Mike Sheridan at Sun  Microsystem" , in 1991. Java took 18 months to develop the first working version. This language was starting called "Oak" but was renamed "Java" in 1995. Between the initial development of Oak in the fall of 1992 and the public statement of the language. "Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yellin, and Tim Lindholm" were key contributors to the maturing of the genuine prototype.
         Somewhat amazingly, the genuine impetus for Java was not the Internet! Instead, the primary inspiration was the need for a platform-independent (that is, architecture-neutral) language that could be used to create software to be embedded on various consumer electronic devices, such as microwave ovens and remote control As you can likely guess, many different kinds of CPUs are used as controllers. The trouble with languages 'C' and 'C++' (and most other languages ) is that they are constructed for that CPU. The trouble is that compilers are expensive and time-consuming to develop.  A simpler- and more cost-efficient- solution was needed. In an attempt to find such a solution, Gosling and others began work on a portable, platform-independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on a different of CPUs under differing  environments. This attempt eventually  led to the creation of Java.
        About the time that the information of Java were being worked out, a second, and eventually more important, factor was emerging that would play a important role in the future of Java. This second force was, of course, the World Wide Web. Had the Web not taken shape at about the same time that Java was being developed, Java might have  remained a useful but unknown language for programming consumer electronics. However, with the emergence of the World Wide Web, Java was propelled to the forefront of computer language layout, because the Web, too, desired convenient programs.
        Most program designers learn early in their careers that convenient programs are as  evasive as they are desirable. While the quest for a way to develop efficient, portable (platform-independent) programs is nearly as old as the discipline of programming itself, it had taken a back seat to other, more pressing troubles. Further, because much of the computer world had separated itself into the three competing camps of Intel, Macintosh, and UNIX, most programmers stayed within their fortified restrictions, and the urgent need for portable code was reduced. However, with the arrival of the Internet and the Web, the old trouble of portability returned with a vengeance. After all, the Internet consists of a diverse, spread over universe populated with many types of computers, operating systems, and CPUs. Even though many kinds of platforms are attached to the Internet, users would like them all to be able to run the same program. What was once an irritating but low-priority troubles had become a high-profile necessity.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

What would a US Apple industry mean for American jobs?

When Apple CEO declared last week that the Apple industry will manufacture a collection of Mac computers in the U.S., Tech news Daily considered what that meant for American employees. how many U.S jobs would apple industry create? and what kind of education and expertise would someone need to get one of these hot, new jobs?

Depend on the $100 million that Apple will spend in U.S manufacturing as Cook told Bloomberg Businessweek the Cupertino-depend industry is likely looking to make a number of industry jobs in the "low hundreds," said Pat McGibbon, vice president of technique and research at the connection of manufacturing Technology.

"[@100 million] is a really, really small number in the plan of things for Apple, so this is likely their little toe getting in the water, "he told TechNewsDaily. "And they got nine more toes."

-Pat McGibbon, vice president of  technique and research at the connection of Manufacturing Technology.

Nevertheless, McGibbon regarded the Apple move a sign that the industry may make more industries in the U.S. in the future. He also thinks it's an essential message to other industries. "For manufacturers of the U.S, we couldn't have a better flag than to have Apple coming back." he said.

Would-be Apple employees will likely need a mix of two-and four-year degrees, possibly jprovided in part by Apple, McGibbon added.
 McGibbon's connection represents industries that make work machinery. "Our industry makes equipment that would make Apples," he explained. Such industries have many of the same functions and processes that an electronics industry would, he said. 

Thursday, 6 December 2012


   There are two kinds of assert stmts
1) Easy version
2) Enhanced version

Syntax:- assert(b);

    If b is real our supposition is reliable and relax of the our supposition isn't able and the relax of the value will never be executed and ends the system unusually by improving declaration mistake.

class AssertEX1 {
public fixed gap main(string[] args) {
int x=10;

>java AssertEX2
o/p [because declaration are impaired by standard and assert claims will never be executed]
>java -ea AssertEX1
Runtime exemption saying AssertionError

We can add some information to say stmt by Boolean kind. And 'e' can be any kind of factor.
Public fixed gap main(String [] args) {
int x=10;
assert(x>10); // it is incorrect due to x;

>java Test
>java -ea Test
RuntimeException: AssertionError : it is incorrect due to x.



    The most typical way of debugging is to use program.out.println() 's but the issue with these program.out.println() is after bug solving necessary we should eliminate these program.out.println() otherwise at playback these needless s.o.pln's will be executed and results the functionality of the program.
    To get over this issue sun individuals has presented declaration idea in 1.4 edition the solving it is not needed to wipe out claim stmts clearly depending on our need we can allow or turn off claim stmt and by standard declaration are turn off.
    Usually statements idea is program only for analyze growth atmosphere but not growth.


    Assert keyword has presented in 1.3 edition we can claim as identifier

class assertEX
public fixed gap main(string[] args)
int assert=10;

As if rease 1.4 claim is a keyword and may not be used as a identifier
>javac-source 1.3
>java AssertEX


     We can gather any coffee resource computer file according to a edition by using "source edition name" choice.


      In this area we mentioned the StackOverFlowError. The other nine exception and mistakes detailed in the purpose are protected elsewhere in this block

    Tossed when trying to accessibility an range with an incorrect catalog value (either adverse or beyond the duration of the range ). By the JVM
    Tossed when trying to throw a testimonials varying to a kind that drops the IS-A analyze. By the JVM

    Tossed when a technique gets an Discussion partitioned in a different way than the technique expects

     Tossed when a the satisfy of the surroundings doesn't go with the function being tried e.g using a reader that's been shut programmatically

     Tossed when trying to accessibility an item with a referrals varying whose present value is zero by the JVM

      Tossed when a technique that transforms a pattern to a variety gets a sequence that it cannot turn. Programmatically

     Tossed when a statement's Boolean analyze income incorrect programmatically

     Tossed when trying to initialize a fixed varying or an initialization prevent by the jvm

    Generally thrown when a technique recurses too greatly (each invocation is included to the stack)
By the JVM

    Tossed when the JVM can't discover a category it needs because of a command-line mistake a classpath problem or a losing category computer file by the JVM information and resource of typical exception.