Tuesday 11 December 2012

What would a US Apple industry mean for American jobs?

When Apple CEO declared last week that the Apple industry will manufacture a collection of Mac computers in the U.S., Tech news Daily considered what that meant for American employees. how many U.S jobs would apple industry create? and what kind of education and expertise would someone need to get one of these hot, new jobs?

Depend on the $100 million that Apple will spend in U.S manufacturing as Cook told Bloomberg Businessweek the Cupertino-depend industry is likely looking to make a number of industry jobs in the "low hundreds," said Pat McGibbon, vice president of technique and research at the connection of manufacturing Technology.

"[@100 million] is a really, really small number in the plan of things for Apple, so this is likely their little toe getting in the water, "he told TechNewsDaily. "And they got nine more toes."

-Pat McGibbon, vice president of  technique and research at the connection of Manufacturing Technology.

Nevertheless, McGibbon regarded the Apple move a sign that the industry may make more industries in the U.S. in the future. He also thinks it's an essential message to other industries. "For manufacturers of the U.S, we couldn't have a better flag than to have Apple coming back." he said.

Would-be Apple employees will likely need a mix of two-and four-year degrees, possibly jprovided in part by Apple, McGibbon added.
 McGibbon's connection represents industries that make work machinery. "Our industry makes equipment that would make Apples," he explained. Such industries have many of the same functions and processes that an electronics industry would, he said. 

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